Richfield, MN, USA · Bloomington, MN, USA
Commerce and Shopping · Consumer Products · Internet Services
5001+ employees
founded in
Best Buy is a multinational retailer of technology and entertainment products and services offering consumer electronics and more. Its family of brands and partnerships includes brands such as Best Buy, Audiovisions, Future Shop, Geek Squad, Jiangsu Five Star, Magnolia Audio Video, Pacific Sales, and Cowboom. The company is comprised of over 155,000 employees, and they apply their talents to bring the benefits of its brands to the lives of its customers through retail locations, multiple call centers, and websites, in-home solutions, product delivery, and activities in its community. Best Buy’s product portfolio includes consumer electronic video products such as televisions, digital cameras and accessories, digital camcorders, and DVD players; audio products comprising MP3 players, navigation products, home theater audio systems, and components; mobile electronics home office products comprising notebook and desktop computers, monitors, mobile phones and related subscription service commissions, hard drives, and networking equipment; entertainment software products such as video gaming hardware and software, DVDs, CDs, digital downloads, and computer software; and appliances, such as kitchen appliances, plumbing fixtures, snacks, and beverages. Best Buy provides its users with service contracts; extended warranties; product repair; broadband voice, data, and information technology services; and delivers and installs home theater, mobile audio, and appliances. In addition, the company engages in online retailing through BestBuy.com, BestBuy.ca, BestBuy.com.cn, espanol.BestBuy.com, and BestBuyMobile.com; CarphoneWarehouse.com; Five-Star.cn; FutureShop.ca; GeekSquad.com and GeekSquad.ca; MagnoliaAV.com; Napster.com; PacificSales.com; PhoneHouse.com; and Speakeasy.net. Best Buy was founded in 1966 and is headquartered in Litchfield, M.N. with additional offices in the United States, Canada, Mexico, China, and Europe.
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